Ed Manley

Ed Manley

Professor of Urban Analytics

University of Leeds

Ed Manley is a Professor of Urban Analytics in the School of Geography, and member of the Centre for Spatial Analysis and Policy (CSAP) research cluster. He is affiliated with the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA), he is a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, and Honorary Professor at University College London (UCL). Ed joined Leeds from UCL in 2019, where he completed his Engineering Doctorate, before moving onto becoming Lecturer in Smart Cities and latterly Associate Professor at The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. Ed is an Associate Editor of the Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy journal, and chairs the GIScience Research Group at the Royal Geographical Society, where is a Fellow.

Ed’s research aims to deepen our quantitative understanding of human behaviour in cities, and how these behaviours shape urban activity and dynamics. He is particularly interested in the role of bounded rationality and spatial cognition in travel decision-making, and the adaptation of behaviour in response to short and long-term shocks. His research combines quantitative methods, including exploratory data analysis, machine learning, agent-based modelling, and network modelling, with theory drawn from diverse disciplines such as urban geography, transportation, spatial cognition, judgment and decision-making, and sociology. He also has interests in the role of data visualisation in communicating complex datasets for decision-making.


  • Agent-based Modelling
  • Urban Mobility
  • Travel Behaviour
